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      • 作  者:张能彦
        出 版 社:世界图书出版公司
      • 出版日期:2015年03月
        版  次:2016版
      • 开  本:16
        装  订:平装
      • 适用范围:管理类专业学位硕士研究生入学统一考试
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        Section I Use of English

            Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
            Parenthood isn’t a career-killer. In fact, economists with two or more kids tend to produce more research, not less, than their one-child or childless colleagues. But female economists    1   can pay a price in terms of productivity after becoming mothers, especially   2   they’re young or unmarried.
            That’s according to a new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. There is widespread   3   that motherhood is   4   costly in terms of professional career advancement.“In particular, it is often   5   that the only way for young women to   6   a challenging career is to remain childless,” they wrote. Our study of the academic labor market arrives at a somewhat less   7   picture: We do not observe a family gap in research productivity among female academic economists.   8  , motherhood-induced decreases in research productivity are less pronounced than usually purported.
            The authors in early 2012   9   about 10, 000 economists through the Research Papers in Economics online platform,   10   the academics’ answers with their publication records. They gauged an economist’s productivity   11   looking at their output: published research, weighted by journal   12  . Among their findings:
            Mothers of at least two children are,   13  , more productive than mothers of only one child, and mothers in general are more   14   than childless women. Fathers of   15   two children are also more productive than fathers of one child and childless men. Toward the end of their careers, however, childless men appear to be somewhat more productive than fathers of one child.
            Parenthood does appear linked to   16   productivity while the children are 12 and younger: mothers average a 17.4% loss, while fathers average a 5% loss. A female economist with three children, on average,   17   the equivalent of four years of research   18   by the time her kids become teenagers. Women who are married or in a   19   relationship do not have any drop in research productivity in the three years following childbirth. For single mothers, research output drops by roughly a third   20   the same period.
            1. [A] in principle [B] in turn  [C] in addition  [D] in particular
            2. [A] when   [B] if   [C] because  [D] unless
            3. [A] foundation  [B] tradition  [C] conviction  [D] phenomenon
            4. [A] extremely  [B] largely  [C] obviously  [D] oppositely
            5. [A] insisted  [B] argued  [C] judged  [D] concluded
            6. [A] make   [B] choose  [C] take   [D] engage
            7. [A] ideal   [B] desirable  [C] dreary  [D] agreeable
            8. [A] Therefore  [B] Moreover  [C] Otherwise  [D] However
            9. [A] collected  [B] claimed  [C] investigated [D] surveyed
            10. [A] matching  [B] comparing  [C] classifying  [D] lining
            11. [A] with   [B] from   [C] by   [D] in
            12. [A] size   [B] name   [C] quantity  [D] quality
            13. [A] for example [B] on average  [C] in principle [D] above all
            14. [A] productive  [B] successful  [C] laborious  [D] effective
            15. [A] smart   [B] naughty  [C] at least  [D] at best
            16. [A] increase  [B] lower   [C] affect   [D] promote
            17. [A] loses   [B] gains   [C] influences  [D] changes
            18. [A] papers  [B] results  [C] work   [D] output
            19. [A] flexible  [B] stable   [C] balanced  [D] variable
            20. [A] over          [B] for             [C] among        [D] to

        Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

        Part A

            Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)
            Text 1
            A man walks into a conference room at the W hotel in downtown Austin. The setting, sleek and quiet, says business. The training shoes—red, puffy, and paired with a sports coat—add a wink: new business.
            “There are crazy awesome start?鄄ups happening in every nook and cranny in this country,” says Scott Case, the boss of a non?鄄profit start?鄄up, which helps inexperienced entrepreneurs by smoothing their access to private?鄄sector money and mentoring. The idea is that as these young companies grow, they will create jobs—new jobs, good jobs—and related economic activity that enriches the entire community. Some of the start?鄄ups may even be “gazelles”, companies that grow by leaps and bounds.
            So people are keen to help. Obama announced a start?鄄up initiative at the beginning of last year, and last month he renewed the call. Congress is considering a Start?鄄up Act that could provide some regulatory exemptions. Regional economic development groups have taken up the idea of economic “gardening”. The philosophy there is that regions should focus on core strengths and home?鄄grown businesses, rather than squabbling with their neighbours in an effort to win a new car plant.
            This is mostly sensible. Many of the proposals for start?鄄ups are generally sound. And some start?鄄ups do turn out to be gazelles.
            Still, there is cause for caution. For one thing, there is some ambiguity over what sort of companies the policymakers are trying to promote. Mr. Obama talks about “start?鄄ups and small businesses”. Private?鄄sector people, however, seem to have less interest in the latter. They would rather live in Silicon Valley than on Main Street. But high?鄄tech concepts are not the only viable business ideas.
            Another issue is that the effects of start?鄄ups on employment may be modest. Perhaps as a result of the recession, the number of new companies that actually employ people is declining.
            “What began as a small, two?鄄person start?鄄up working out of a pier in San Francisco has grown to a dozen employees,” wrote Mike Krieger, the co?鄄founder of America’s fastest?鄄growing social mobile start?鄄up. Even the bigger companies may not be labour?鄄intensive. There is a danger that start?鄄up jobs will be the next variant of “green jobs”: worthwhile, but slightly overhyped.
            21. People are keen to help start?鄄ups most probably because             .
            [A] they are prevailing in the country
            [B] they can create a large number of jobs for the society
            [C] they can enrich the whole community
            [D] they grow by leaps and bounds
            22. The idea of economic “gardening” requires regions             .
            [A] to exploit their favorable conditions to the full
            [B] to make an effort to win every new project
            [C] to compete with their neighbours fiercely
            [D] to cooperate with their neighbours
            23. Which of the following is NOT the difficulty start?鄄ups may meet?
            [A] It is hard for their access to private?鄄sector money.
            [B] It is ambiguous in what sort of companies policies are supporting.
            [C] The number of employees is declining due to the recession.
            [D] The jobs created are not so worthwhile as they seemed to be.
            24. Judging from the context, the word “overhyped” in the last paragraph means             .
            [A] polluted     
            [B] profitable
            [C] overstated      
            [D] adventurous
            25. The author’s attitude towards start?鄄ups is             .
            [A] optimistic      
            [B] objective
            [C] concerned     
            [D] favorable


        Section Ⅰ Use of English

            1. D 【解析】从But可知,此句意思与上文在语义上存在转折关系,上文讲述经济学家有了孩子后不会影响工作效率。故此处But female economists _____ can pay a price in terms of productivity after becoming mothers是在讲述女性经济学家在当上妈妈之后会在工作效率上付出代价。故D. in particular “尤其、特别”符合题意,为正确答案。in principle “原则上”,in turn“依次,轮流”,in addition“另外”,三项均不符合题意。
            2. B 【解析】理解此句especially _____ they’re young or unmarried, 首先要确定代词they所指代的含义,通过上下文,可知they指代的是mothers。故此句意为 “如果她们是年轻母亲或未婚生育的话,那情况会更糟”。B. if “如果”符合句意,为正确答案。when “当……时候”,because “因为”,unless “除非”,均不符合题意,故排除。
            3. C 【解析】根据上下文,可推知此处There is widespread _____ that motherhood ...在讲述人们普遍相信成为人母会在职业生涯发展上付出极高的代价。C. conviction“确信,信念”,符合题意,为正确答案。foundation “基础,地基”,tradition“传统”,phenomenon“现象”,均不符合题意,故排除。
            4. A 【解析】此处 motherhood is _____ costly in terms of professional career advancement为conviction的同位语从句, 其中costly为形容词,意为“昂贵的,代价高的”。故此处需填一个副词,修饰形容词costly。A. extremely“很,非常”,符合题意,为正确答案。largely“主要地,大部分地”,obviously “明显地”,oppositely “相反地”,均不符合题意,故排除。
            5. B 【解析】此处In particular, it is often _____ that the only way for young women to _____ a challenging career is to remain childless, 联系上下文可知,此处是在讲述人们的一种普遍观点。argued意为“认为,主张”,it is argued意为 “有人认为”,故B. argued符合题意,为正确答案。insist “坚持宣称,坚持认为”,此处并没有强调“人们坚持认为”的意思,故排除。judge “评定”,conclude“推断出”,均不符合题意,故排除。
            6. A 【解析】此处the only way for young women to _____ a challenging career is to remain childless意为“年轻女性从事具有挑战性职业的唯一办法就是不要孩子”。make a career 为固定搭配,意为“向上爬,谋求发迹”,故A. make符合题意,为正确答案。choose“选择”;许多考生会误选take“获得,接受”,但take一般不和career连用,经常和job搭配;engage“从事”后面加职业时,应加介词in。
            7. C 【解析】根据上下文可知,此处Our study of the academic labor market arrives at a somewhat less _____ picture意为“但我们通过对学术界劳动力市场的研究发现,情况并不这么令人沮丧”。C. dreary “令人厌烦的,枯燥的”符合题意,为正确答案。ideal “理想的”;desirable “令人满意的”;agreeable“令人愉快的,惬意的”,均不符合题意,故排除。此外,根据“三一原则”(四个选项中,有三个词属于同义词,剩余一个词的词义与它们完全不同)考生可快速锁定正确答案C项。
            8. B 【解析】根据上文所述“我们没有发现女性学术经济学家的学术研究效率因拥有家庭而出现差距。”可知此处_____, motherhood-induced decreases in research productivity are less pronounced than usually purported与上文为递进关系。意为“ _____因成为人母而导致的研究效率下降也不像人们通常所说的那么明显。”故B. Moreover “此外,而且”,表递进关系,符合题意,为正确答案。Therefore “因此,所以”,Otherwise “否则,不然”,However “然而”,均不符合题意,故排除。
            9. D 【解析】此处The authors in early 2012 _____ about 10, 000 economists  through  the Research Papers in Economics online platform 意为“该文作者在2012年初通过《经济学研究论文》网的在线平台对大约10 000名经济学家进行了_____ ”。故D. surveyed “调查”符合题意,为正确答案。collect “收集,收藏”,claim “声称,断言”均不符合题意,故排除。许多考生可能会误选investigate “调查,审查”,但investigate更倾向于政府或公共部门对刑事案件的调查,而此处指的是“科研调查”故排除。
            10. A 【解析】根据上下文,可知此处_____ the academics’ answers with their publication  records意为“将这些学者的回答与他们的论文发表情况相比对”。match“匹配,使一致”,与with搭配,意为“与……相配”;故A. matching符合题意,为正确答案。compare “比较,相比”,compare with “与……作比较”,此处强调的是被调查者的答案是否与他们的论文内容相符,而不是单纯地比较两个事物的相同点或不同点,故排除。classify “分类”,line “排队,用线标出”,均不符合题意,故排除。
            11. C 【解析】根据上文,可知此处They gauged an economist’s productivity _____ looking at their output:意为“他们通过统计这些经济学家的论文产量来衡量他们的工作效率”。C. by “通过”表示方式,符合题意,为正确答案。with“关于,和,随着”,in“穿,戴;在……里面”,from“(表示时间)从……;(表示原因)因为……;(表示来源)来自……;(表示分离)与……”,均不符合题意,故排除。
            12. D 【解析】做对此题,需要考生理清句子结构。published research, weighted by journal _____一句中,published research是前面output的解释说明,而过去分词weighted是对published research的解释说明,根据常识,衡量出版论文一般通过出版社的质量来衡量。故D. quality “质量”符合题意,为正确答案。size “大小,规模”,name “名称”,quantity“数量”均不符合题意,故排除。
            13. B 【解析】通过分析句子结构,可知此处Mothers of at least two children are, _____ , more productive than mothers of only one child并不缺少句子成分,句意为“至少拥有两个孩子的母亲_____比只有一个孩子的母亲工作效率更高”。B. on average “平均起来”符合题意,为正确答案。for example “例如,拿……来说”,符合句法结构,但是通过上下文可知,此处没有举例的意思,故排除。in principle“从原则上来说”,above all “最重要的是”,均不符合题意。
            14. A 【解析】根据上下文,可知此处 and mothers in general are more _____ than childless women和前面句意为并列关系,意为 “有孩子的女性总体上比没有孩子的女性工作效率更高”。至于“效率”一词,考生可从13题所在句子中的more productive than mothers of only one child获得灵感。故A. productive “富有成效的,多产的”,符合题意,为正确答案。successful“成功的”,laborious “勤劳的,辛苦的”,effective“有效的,起作用的”,均不符合题意。
            15. C 【解析】根据上下文和此句Fathers of _____ two children are also more productive than fathers of one child and childless men中的also可知此句与前面一句为并列关系,上一句比较了 “至少拥有两个孩子的母亲平均比只有一个孩子的母亲工作效率更高,有孩子的女性总体上比没有孩子的女性工作效率更高”,而此句是在比较相同情况下,父亲的工作效率如何。故C. at least “至少”与前文相照应,符合题意,为正确答案。smart “聪明的”,naughty“淘气的”,at best “最多”,均不符合题意。
            16. B 【解析】此处Parenthood does appear linked to _____ productivity while the children are 12 and younger: mothers average a 17.4% loss, while fathers average a 5% loss 句意为“当孩子12岁或者更小时,为人父母的身份的确看上去与工作效率的_____有关:母亲的工作成果平均减少17.4%,而父亲的工作成果平均减少5%。通过本句中的loss,可知B. lower “降低”符合题意,为正确答案。increase “增加”,affect“影响”,promote“促进”,三项均不符合题意。
            17. A 【解析】根据上下文可知此处是对前一句的继续阐述,前面一句讲道:“当孩子12岁或者更小时,为人父母的身份的确看上去与工作效率的降低有关:母亲的工作成果平均减少17.4%,而父亲的工作成果平均减少5%。而此句明显是在讲述女性经济学家在有孩子的情况下,工作效率降低了多少。故A. loses“损失,降低”符合题意,为正确答案。gain “增加,获得”,influence“影响”,change“改变”,均不符合题意。
            18. D 【解析】根据上下文,可知A female economist with three children, on average, _____ the equivalent of four years of research _____ by the time her kids become teenagers意为“有三个孩子的女性经济学家在孩子长到十几岁时会平均损失掉相当于四年的研究成果。”此处所填单词意为 “成果”与research搭配,而关于研究成果,文中的最后一段的最后一句有明显的提示:research output。故D. output “产量,输出量”符合题意,为正确答案。paper “论文”,result “结果”,work“工作”,均不符合题意。
            19. B 【解析】根据上下文,可知此处Women who are married or in a _____ relationship do not have any drop in research productivity in the three years following childbirth意为“已婚或处于_____关系的女性在生孩子后的头三年中工作效率并没有下降”,根据常识可知B. stable “稳定的”符合题意,为正确答案。flexible“灵活的”,balanced“平衡的”,variable“多变的”,均不符合题意。
            20. A 【解析】根据上下文,可知此处For single mothers, research output drops by roughly a third _____ the same period意为“而同期单身母亲的研究成果会减少约三分之一”。over the same period 为固定搭配,意为“在同一时期”,故A. over符合题意,为正确答案。其他三个介词与the same period搭配,均无此意,故排除。
            该文作者在2012年初通过《经济学研究论文》网的在线平台对大约10 000名经济学家进行了调查,并将这些学者的回答与他们的论文发表情况相比对。他们通过统计这些经济学家的论文产量(发表的研究论文数量并按期刊的质量加权)来衡量他们的工作效率。以下是他们得出的一些结论:

        Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

        Part A
        Text 1

            21. B 【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词People are keen to help定位至第三段。开头的So表明原因在上面的段落中,第二段又出现了start?鄄ups,因此到第二段寻找答案。B项是对原文信息的同义替换。结合全文以及常识可知,新创企业能创造大量工作机会,因此B项为最佳选项。A项是对第二段第一句的概括。C项偷换主语,原文表述是economic activity that enriches the entire community,D项以偏概全,原文只提到some of the start?鄄ups跳跃式发展。
            22. A 【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词economic “gardening”, regions定位至第三段。the idea of economic “gardening”后出现了The philosophy there is that regions should focus on core strengths and home?鄄grown businesses ...这是对economic “gardening”的解释,即关注自身的核心竞争力和土生土长的生意。A项“充分发挥自己的优势”是对此的概括,为正确答案。B项“努力赢取每个新项目”,C项“与邻居进行激烈的竞争”,与原文表述相反。D项“与邻居合作”属于过度推断。
            23. D 【解析】细节题。此题需要结合细节信息进行推断,适合使用排除法。由第二段helps inexperienced entrepreneurs by smoothing their access to private?鄄sector money可知A项正确。由第五段there is some ambiguity over what sort of companies the policymakers are trying to promote可知B项正确。由第六段Perhaps as a result of the recession, the number of new companies that actually employ people is declining可知C项正确。D项“新创企业创造的工作不像看起来那么有价值”,属于新创企业可能带来的结果,而不是遇到的困难,与题干不符,因此选D项。
            24. C 【解析】含义题。根据题干overhyped, last paragraph定位至最后一段。结合上下文猜测生词含义。首先,but表明overhyped与worthwhile意义相反,因此不可能是profitable。其次,the next variant of “green jobs”,且总体上是worthwhile(值得的),因此不可能是polluted与adventurous。考生也可根据构词法选择答案。over?鄄前缀表示more than usual, too much(太,过于),state有“陈述”之意,那么overstated意为“言过其实的,夸张的”,带入文中符合文意,因此选C项。
            25. B 【解析】态度题。本题考查作者对新创企业的态度,需要结合全文选出答案。前三段作者指出新创企业快速发展的现象以及政府的支持,第四段开头This is mostly sensible表明作者对此是赞同的。第五段笔锋一转Still, there is cause for caution,接下来几段指出了新创企业存在的问题,最后一句There is a danger that ... worthwhile, but slightly overhyped尤其表明了作者的忧虑。综合来看,作者既肯定了新创企业带来的好处以及政府的支持,又指出了其面临的问题,因此态度是objective(客观的),答案选B项。
            “在这个国家的每个角落都有疯狂惊人的新创企业存在,”Scott Case说道。他是一家非营利性新创企业的老板,他的公司帮助缺乏经验的企业家们融通私营企业资金,并进行相关指导。其中的理念在于,随着这些年轻的公司逐步成长,它们将创造许多工作——新工作,好工作——以及丰富整个社会的相关经济活动。新创公司中有一些甚至成了“羚羊”,这些公司的成长是跨越式的。
            Mike Krieger是美国增长速度最快的手机行业新创公司的联合创始人之一。他写道:“一个在旧金山码头运营的两人合伙小公司,发展到现在拥有十几个员工。” 甚至比这更大的公司可能都不是劳动密集型的。潜在的危机在于,新创公司提供的工作岗位将成为下一个变质的“绿色工作”:很值,但稍稍有点夸张。





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