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      • 作  者:《浙江省教师公开招聘考试专用教材》编委会
        出 版 社:教育科学出版社
      • 出版日期:2014年10月
        版  次:2015版
      • 开  本:8
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      • 适用范围:浙江省教师入编考试、事业单位公开招聘教师、教育局人事局公开招聘教师、面向应往届高校毕业生公开招聘教师
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        (满分:100分  考试时间:150分钟)

            1. W[]2. N[]3. Q[]4. apple[]
            5. Wednesday[]6. beach[]7. smooth[]8. twelve[]
            9. fit[]10. English[]
            11. 这位老人已经当了30多年英语老师了。
            12. 她脸色显得很焦急,因为她妈妈病了有些时候了。
            13. 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。
            14. 如果你不理解这篇课文,可以请教老师。
            15. 这两种语言有什么差异?
            第三节:完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I recently went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that the following Monday was his birthday. He asked16, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday17.The following Monday, I saw my neighbor, a new mother, in the garden with her baby. I went outside to say “hello” to her. During the talk, she told me, not in a complaining 18but just as a matter of fact, about the sleeplessness and the challenges to get anything done with a baby followed by. I19the charity party host’s request and said, “Hey! Why don’t20watch your baby for an hour? I will just hang out with him here in the back garden21you go in and take an hour to yourself.”She was so surprised that she almost cried. “Are you22? Would you be able to do that?” “Of course!” I said. “I’d be happy to!” An hour later she came outside with a smile on her face. “I have23so much done!” she told me, and I told her that I had sung every kid’s song I knew and had a good time hanging out with the baby, too. And I was so happy to see her smiling like that.It was one of the best24I’ve ever given, and it has given me the desire to ask the same25all my friends this year. I know it will make me feel great to know my friends are out there sharing their wisdom and time with people who can really use it.
            16.  A. that B. how
            C. if D. what
            17. A. plan B. idea
            C. cake D. party
            18. A. life B. way
            C. method D. road
            19. A. asked B. thought
            C. remembered D. reminded
            20. A. I B. you
            C. me D. us
            21. A. or B. but
            C. and D. while
            22. A. serious B. mysterious
            C. certainly D. curious
            23. A. got B. made
            C. let D. has
            24. A. presentsB. ideas
            C. cakesD. days
            25. A. forB. about
            C. fromD. of
            26. 最近的一项调查表明,当今中国青年的人生目标比过去要显得多元化。这种选择的变化表明社会在进步,人们的生活目标较以前更为实际。比例目标手段53.5%挣钱给自己买一房一车44%提高生活质量43.7%成为富人23.9%找一份好工作71.9%的人说将努力拼搏以
            Chinese Young Peoples Life Goals Today
            27. One of  most common illnesses in our society is “time sickness”,  sense of time pressure and hurry that causes anxiety and tension.
            A. /;aB. /;theC. the;aD. the;the
            28. So far the construction of the two new bridges over the river .
            A. have been completedB. has been completed
            C. has completedD. have completed
            29. I must decline because the conditions you offered are not .
            A. accessibleB. availableC. acceptableD. comfortable
            30. —When shall we go to the Summer Palace?
            —Make it  day you like; it doesnt matter to me.
            A. oneB. anyC. someD. another
            31. A farmer arrived  a womens house.
            A. inB. atC. toD. for
            32. 把下面短文翻译成中文。In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human being are causing changes in the Earths climate—something previously seen as beyond our control. They claim that in the last 50 years, gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up the process of global warming and affecting our climate. Looking ahead, scientists believe that global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st century.
            第三节:阅读理解题(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。ANowadays, Korea is influenced by American culture. If you visit Seoul (首尔), you will see a lot of fast food stores in each avenue, places such as KFC, McDonald’s, and Burger King.You will also be surprised to see many western style clothes which are different from our traditional clothes such as the Hanbok. When you go around department stores, you can see many young students waiting in line to buy famous brands such as 96 New York jeans, Guess, Polo, Guest, Channel and Cartier. It is hard to find clothes which represent (代表) traditional Korean culture. There are only a few stores which sell traditional clothing, and these stores are starting to disappear. When you visit middle schools in Korea, you will also find students listening to music on their CD players, mostly rock and roll, including the pop music of singers such as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Ricky Martin. Moreover, if you ask students to talk about Korean music traditions, they probably will not give you an answer at once.Now, however, there are some voices which are urging us to preserve our own culture. One is an association which insists people eat traditional food such as Kimchi. They make web sites to show how traditional Korean foods are beneficial for health, and they advertise on TV regularly about traditional customs.They say that Koreans are losing their identity (特性), and they are also concerned because young people don’t even know about the traditional Korean holidays. They suggest that the government prepare extra programs to teach young students about Korean traditions. Some middle schools have tried to do this, but it isn’t working very effectively.
            33. The passage mainly tells us .
            A. the influence of American culture on South Korea
            B. what the capital city Seoul is like
            C. the popularity of fast food in South Korea
            D. the social customs in South Korea
            34. From the second paragraph we can see that Guess, Polo, Guest are .
            A. fast food restaurants
            B. names of famous stores
            C. famous brand of clothes
            D. traditional Korean clothes
            35. Stores which sell traditional Korean clothes .
            A. have already disappeared
            B. are hard to find now
            C. start to sell foreign clothes
            D. have moved out of the main streets
            36. What does the underlined word “preserve” mean in this passage?
            A. ProtectB. Prevent
            C. PretendD. Respect
            37. What is the main purpose of the association?
            A. To encourage people to eat traditional food.
            B. To make people realize their duties.
            C. To make sure young people live healthily.
            D. To keep their own way of life and culture alive.BMy parents taught me not to waste food. My mom always found ways to make leftovers taste good. I went to Ilan to learn about some of their special food. As I was there, I learned about the food and the history of the area. I learned that they dont waste food, either, and they use leftovers!Many years ago, there was not enough food for everyone. People learned to cook and eat almost everything. They had to think of ways to make special dishes. One of these dishes is kao zha. Its made with leftovers like meat, soup, oil and fat. That might not sound very good, but it does taste good. Today, kao zha is a special dish at big banquets.Another famous dish is called zao bing. Its made with fruit, meat and other things. I really liked it! But I didnt want to eat too much. It has a lot of fat in it. I smelled something burning and I saw smoke, so I found another special food of the Ilan area—duck meat. The duck meat is put in a big oven to cook it. Smoke keeps the meat fresh. I dont usually eat meat, but this duck meat was delicious! It tasted sweet.Ilan is a great place with delicious food. I hope I can come back again!
            38. The writer learns from her parents .
            A. not to eat leftoversB. to eat good food
            C. not to waste foodD. to make good food
            39. She finds that people in Ilan .
            A. always waste foodB. dont use leftovers
            C. dont have enough foodD. can cook special food
            40. Kao zha is a good dish that is made with .
            A. fruit, meat and other thingsB. fresh and sweet duck meat
            C. some different leftoversD. meat, soup and fruit
            41. There are  kinds of special food mentioned in the passage.
            A. twoB. three
            C. fourD. five
            42. From the passage, we know that .
            A. there was not enough food in Ilan long ago
            B. leftovers cant be used to cook delicious food
            C. zao bing is a famous dish without any fat in it
            D. the writer is interested in very big banquets
            43. 现在有不少家长送孩子参加各种艺术班,对这种做法有人表示支持,有人表示反对。作为一名教师,请谈谈你对此的看法。题目自拟。
            44. 某教师在英语教学中使用实物、简笔画、图片等直观手段,符合小学英语教学的原则。 
            A. 情境匹配      B. 交际性   
            C. 活动性    D. 重复性
            45. 英语课程评价体系的改革,主要是()。
            A. 强调形成性评价
            B. 实现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化
            C. 考试方式的改革
            D. 让学生自主学习
            46. 英语教学中围绕task来组织和设计教学活动是当前最为普遍、也是最为有效的方式,这称为.
            A. competition activitiesB. storytelling activities
            C. game activitiesD. taskbased activities
            47. 在中学教育的基本方法中,教师引导中学生运用自己的经验和知识回答问题,从而获得新知识、巩固已学过的知识的方法是()。
            A. 讲授法B. 谈话法
            C. 读书指导法D. 演示法
            48. 构成学习与教学过程的三种动态活动过程是()。
            A. 学习过程、教学过程和评价/反思过程B. 学习过程、教学过程和互动过程
            C. 学习过程、教学过程和思考过程D. 学习过程、教学过程和管理过程
            49. 现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言并运用语言。
            50. 备课是指为完成某项教学任务,欲达到某些教学目标而设计的教学过程和为组织安排好所做的准备工作。
            51. 英语课外活动是学生英语学习的重要组成部分,能为学生的语言实践和提供更大的平台。
            52. 小学阶段学生学好符合各国儿童的普遍规律及共同特点,符合英语学科入门阶段的规律。
            53. 视听法强调耳、眼等感觉器官和大脑整体地去感知和认识外语材料,因此视听法又称为。
            54. 在英语教学过程中,教师可以通过哪些手段来创设情境?
            55. 创设教学情境时应注意哪些问题?
            56. 游戏法是小学英语课堂中常用的教学方法,英语游戏的组织技能也是小学英语教师必须具备的一种重要教学技能。简述教学课堂中,组织英语教学游戏的基本要求。





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