敬请期待中文版 Diorsbackdrop mirrored the temple of French high art It is a great day to be a great designer. Because nothingbetter proves the need for imagination, intelligence, invention,irreverence and sheer creativity than the ru...
敬请期待中文版 Vivienne Westwood: (Partly)Passing The Torch Andreas Kronthaler, the long-term husband of Vivienne Westwood,stood backstage working on the modelsoutfits. Nothing novelabout that. Except for the first time, Vivienne, fo...
图片来源:Indigital 有了阵阵的牛铃声,山峦也像活了起来,一队瑞士山区音乐家进行了现场表演,背景是数字投影的茫茫山脉与湛蓝天空的影像。 来自瑞士阿尔卑斯山的音乐家用巨大...
敬请期待中文版 Picture credit: Indigital Conceptualists are not necessarily those who push fashionforward - rather they are the designers who extend the boundaries,allowing clothing to enter the realm of art. I looked at threedesigne...
Céline的请柬上粘着黏乎乎的乳胶,仿佛橡胶黄与橘色漏到一滩黑泥上的触感。而这正是现任创意总监PhoebePhilo要传达的信息:色彩、动人的温柔与凌乱的现代性。 设计师通过简洁的服装...
敬请期待中文版 DellAcquasfloral theme opened up his creative side for Rochas Picture credit: Indigital With so many heritage brands fighting for revival, it isencouraging to see that it can be achieved - usually after a coupleof stru...
在我漫长的职业生涯中,也算是见证过时装界许多改朝换代的时刻:包括Karl Lagerfeld 1983年在Chanel打造的首个系列,以及JohnGalliano 1996年在Dior的首次亮相。我也完整地见证了Nicolas Ghesqu...
Gigi Hadid为Miu Miu 2016-17秋/冬系列走秀 图片来源:Indigital 在猫王Elvis深沉浑厚的歌声、Rachmaninoff连绵而深远的乐音以及女性特有的平和宁静中,巴黎国际时装周迎来了尾声。 整个系列的...
敬请期待中文版 DEMNA GVASALIA stood backstage in the Paris Presbyterianchurch where Vetements, the radical fashion collective, had stageda show. Picture credit: Indigital May the bridges I burn light the way were the words inscarlet...
图片来源:Indigital 那股恶名昭彰的俄式穷奢极欲之潮已渐褪去。伴随着这一变化(甚至赶在这一变化之前),时尚就已从铺张招摇转向了更为平静低调的精神气质。 本季,Valentin Yuda...