敬请期待中文版 Paul Andrew in his New York showroom, with one of his signature wedge sandals for Spring/Summer 2017 @SuzyMenkesVogue It is such an amazing honour to be the first named shoe designer of the house since Salvatore Ferrag...
从齐大腿的牛仔短裤到粗线毛衫再到渔夫裤,Tommy Hilfiger通过各种对海上生活的视觉再现,献上了一场欢乐喧闹的大秀。他征用了曼哈顿的一处码头,用贩卖汉堡薯条的小卖店、美甲店...
敬请期待中文版 In this multi-cultural world, there seems something quaint about pinning a style to a certain place - especially in a single city. Yet the notion of the uptown girl never quite dissolves in New York; it just evolves in...
女王身穿Stewart Parvin羊毛绉绸连身裙与大衣、头戴Rachel Trevor-Morgan羊毛绉呢帽出席英国皇家军队阅兵式,阅兵式是为庆祝女王殿下2016年6月的九十岁寿诞而举行。女王每年出席皇家军队阅...
Akris2017春/夏系列 Akris的设计受101岁美籍古巴裔艺术家Carmen Herrera启发,后者将于本月在惠特尼美术馆举办回顾展 图片来源:@SuzyMenkesVogue Jason Wu:混合媒材之灵感 Jason Wu称此次发布的新...
图片来源:Indigital “本季系列并不是非洲风:尽管人人都这么说,然而本季重点只在手工艺之中。一切尽在无瑕的手工技巧以及表达之乐,”Proenza Schouler秀后,两位设计师之一Lazaro...
RemKoolhaas设计的Repossi巴黎新精品店楼梯井一览 图片来源:Cyrille Weiner 没有衬托宝石的豪华红丝绒底座?也没有为闪亮钻石铺设的白缎面衬垫?这里难道不是一间珠宝店吗? 这里是汇聚...
一名模特佩戴上Boucheron Plissée Diamants项链,仿佛一条用白钻石和黑尖晶石打造的丝巾 图片来源:Julien Mignot 一名男性温柔地用手臂环住女伴,当一枚戒指、手镯或一条项链从他手中滑落...
敬请期待中文版 Sunset over Brooklyn Bridge at Thakoons New York Fashion Week show for Autumn/Winter 2016 Natasha Cowan The dying red-gold sun over Brooklyn Bridge was symbolic of the end of a fashion show era – before the dawn of a...
敬请期待中文版 I was so frightened, said Diane Von Furstenberg - an unexpected admission from a feisty designer who has always seemed powerful and brave in her many different aspects of supporting women. But this was a particularly p...