敬请期待中文版 Giambattista Valli Autumn/Winter 2018 InDigital.TV With all the news of populist politics in last weekends Italian election, we might expect a fashion reaction - at least among designers with Italian blood in their vei...
敬请期待中文版 Valentin Yudashkin Autumn/Winter 2018 InDigital.TV All the colours are special, the beige, white, rose or silver, said Valentin Yudashkin backstage after a show that took every shade of the big freeze and used ice and...
敬请期待中文版 Christian Dior Autumn/Winter 2018 InDigital.TV Cest Non, Non, Non et Non! announced the sweater that opened the Dior show, while the walls outside and in the temporary space were covered with semi-graffiti: magazines,...
敬请期待中文版 Haider Ackermann (left) and Olivier Theyskens (right) for Autumn/Winter 2018 Indigital Palette perfect at Haider Ackermann The swirling mist evaporated and colours emerged into the light - aquamarine, blush pink, ameth...
VIKTORIA TISZA - HUNGARY 泳装设计师Viktoria Tisza这一季将连体装、羊毛、皮草、皮革... ...等材质进行了结合,针织的纹理更是为造型添彩不少。最近几年,泳装也无疑是时尚圈的热门潮流之一...
MAAK – AUSTRALIA 来自澳大利亚的设计师品牌MAAK为大家带来了一场深色风暴,深沉的颜色配合拉链、非对称等设计元素用中性的方式展现出了女性的独立之美。这是一个强调自信和自我的...
TENGRI - ENGLAND 来自英国的品牌TENGRI将潮流与质感做出了完美的结合,选用了比开司米轻巧温暖也更珍贵的yak材质将针织着装的质感提升到了全新的高度。正如开司米的高级含蓄内敛,y...
BLACKMERLE – VANCOUVER 结合了军旅风元素和街头服饰文化的BLACKMERLE亮相温哥华时装周的秀场,休闲中不失制服的硬朗和力量感,链条和黑色包袋的装饰更将男性化的魅力强调到极致。 分...
KAKOPIEROS– AUSTRALIA 来自澳大利亚的Kakopieros带来了温哥华时装周第三天最惊艳的一场秀。从开场短片到整个系列的造型,都围绕着SM的主题,从服饰艺术的角度将这一性文化做出了全新的...